October 16, 2013

" A Goal and A Purpose In Life "

   The poorest person in the world is not the person who doesn't have a nickel. The poorest person in  the world is the one who doesn't have a vision. If you don't have a dream- a goal and a purpose in life- you're never going to become what you could become.
    There is a distinguishable difference between successful and unsuccessful people: successful people are motivated by a dream beyond them. They have a dream that is bigger than themselves; they have something that constantly keeps them going. It's out of them reach, and yet they believe that if they work hard enough, they will someday hold that dream in their hands.That's a successful person. Unsuccessful people are only motivated by today. They are not tomorrow thinkers. They're not looking beyond themselves. They grab with gusto the present, not even taking into consideration what tomorrow may present them.

Let's get the application of this lesson:

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